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North Country Berners
We do not have any Bernedoodles available at present.
Puppies' parents...
Tammy the mother is a very sweet and smart girl. She is AKC registered. She weighs 90 lbs. Violet is also clear on the genetic panel for Bernese, including, DM, DM Berner Type, and Von Williebrand Disease. Violet is OFA Good on her hips.
Charlie is a sweet and outgoing AKC registered Standard Poodle. He weighs 75 lbs and OFA Fair on his hips.
These sweet puppies will be ready for their new homes mid Jan. They will be vet checked and up to date on vaccinations and dewormings. Our puppies are well socialized daily by our family.
For more info and availability give us a call at 989-386-9082.
Tori, female, RESERVED
Brady, male, RESERVED
Bryson, male, RESERVED
Raymond, male, RESERVED
Levi, male, RESERVED
Teddy Bear, male, RESERVED
Jaxon, male, RESERVED
Darby, male, RESERVED
Tanya, female, RESERVED
Tracey, female, RESERVED
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